Today, we have women rising up and doing things that 50 years ago weren’t even things women could conceive of. We are fighting battles, building empires, taking over companies, learning new skills, running households and raising families all while trying to keep up with our own health, sanity and possibly the latest fashion trends. We are doing amazing things, and creating success unlike any other time in history.

Needless to say, we have a LOT on our plates. While we are kicking ass and taking names, and on the surface look like wonder woman, beneath it all there is a side to the story not many women aren’t willing or ready to talk about. We are exhausted, beat up, overwhelmed, and feel like crap a lot of the time because we go 24/7, 365 and it is wearing DOWN. Mentally, physically emotionally, and spiritually, we are just doing far more than we were biologically designed to do and we never come up for air. From chronic health conditions that are almost the norm, confusion and feelings of inadequacy in our personal or professional lives, excruciating periods that we can’t even talk about, to a disconnectedness that leaves us feeling isolated and alone. We are holding it together, but on the inside, it’s not always sunshine, rainbows, and girl power. We need rejuvenation on a mind, body and soul level and we need to learn tools the implement into our daily chaotic lives to stay sane and healthy. And there are even more reasons we feel drained and lackluster.

In our digital world it’s all about keeping up with the Joneses, except for it’s really keeping it up with every single person you know and their seemingly perfect life. A life that is anything but real, yet you’re left comparing it to the real-life version of your own. So and so got a promotion, so you question your own value and worth because you didn’t get one. Someone else gets engaged and while you’re happily single, it makes you stop and wonder “what if I never find someone to share my life with?” and on and on the comparisons go. We’re not only dealing with all of our own issues, but we’re competing with a dramatized, highlight reel of everyone’s life. On top of that we’re competing with THOUSANDS of them each day, half from people we don’t even personally know. Instagram influencers, models, and celebrities used to be people we weren’t so overly connected to, therefore we weren’t constantly comparing their “woke up like this” morning selfie to our own hot mess morning face. Basically, we can’t keep up with everything in our lives to begin with let alone the fast-paced rate of competition we are bombarded with. In our modern hyperactive and goal driven world  we’re trying to do so much AND compete with what we think other people’s lives are like. It’s no wonder our heads are spinning, our health is suffering and our self-esteem can take some ugly hits on a daily basis. It’s a lot to keep up with and sort through on a daily basis and sometimes we don’t stand a chance….


Or do we?





If you want to create major breakthroughs in your day to day life, you have to step away from that daily life from time to time to get a new perspective.

Here’s the beautiful thing about traveling and getting completely out of the confines of your normal life. All of the above-mentioned dynamics are almost entirely perception based. If you didn’t have other people bombarding your newsfeed 24/7 you wouldn’t have anything to compare your life to in order for it to feel sub-par, or make you question your direction being right. It’s easy to get swept up in the rat race and have your intuitive connectedness to yourself be dismantled. When that happens it’s easy to forget your own desires and needs. When you constantly see other’s appearing to have it so perfectly together while conquering the world, you can easily question if you just suck at life for not being on that same level. Sure life has its stresses outside of these comparisons, and travel naturally remedies these as well, but it is the act of comparison that creates most of the negative feelings that surround these normal elements of life. Step away from those, and you’ll be astonished at how happy, content and full of life you really are. It’s like a cleansing of the mind, body, and soul to get away from everything that weighs us down, distracts us and chips away at our zest for life. When we leave our daily stress and routine behind, we get to reconnect to the important stuff!

Travel and exploration have a way of disconnecting us from all the things in our lives that serve no positive purpose and reconnects us to the most IMPORTANT parts of ourselves. Generally, those parts have been long forgotten. You’ll reconnect with that inner kid or teen who wanted to change the world, do big things and make a positive difference. The part of you that knew exactly what you wanted to create in life, do, feel and experience.  The part that wasn’t so wrapped up in responsibilities, achievements, or hashtags and tweets. You’ll be reminded of the vital importance of self-care and taking time for yourself and how that positively impacts your work, family and every other aspect of your life. You can reconnect to the very best and yet most simple parts of life that have the power to revitalize you in a way no spa day or girls night out ever could. And that, is why investing in travel and experiences that expand your world is what every modern, ambitious and amazing woman should put at the top of her list. When a driven, empowered and powerful woman gets reconnected to her soul driven purpose and passion for life, her ability to excel and grow is compounded exponentially.

A zen finders retreat is designed for just that, Make sure to check our upcoming retreats page and schedule in some time to travel in that overfilled calendar of yours. You deserve it, need it and it can change your life!

Happy Zen Finding!